I am a former cigarette smoker of forty years. I became a Christian in February of 2000. And at that time God delivered me from alcohol addiction and many other destructive habits. But I could not quit smoking. I began to feel like a hypocrite when I would tell people that Jesus could set them free from alcohol or drug addiction when, in reality, I was struggling with an awful addiction: a nicotine addiction which I felt powerless to quit. I arrived at the horrifying conclusion that smoking cigarettes was going to kill me and there was nothing I could do about it.
My health had deteriorated to the point where I was struggling to breath after just a short walk. But God had a different plan for me, and if you feel hopeless to every quit smoking I got great news for you God has a different plan for you also. One evening I sat down and smoked all the cigarettes I had, and before I put that last cigarette out I asked Jesus to give me the strength to quit smoking. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to quit on my own strength. I am happy to tell you that I have not smoked a cigarette since that night nineteen years ago.
Rising from ashes is a seven week process based on biblical principles, biblical counseling techniques, and the first three steps of recovery: coming out of denial, admitting your powerlessness over your addiction, and turning the addiction over to Jesus. Over the seven weeks you will have Scriptures to memorize, Bible reading assignments, questions to answer about your addiction and why do you smoke, and you will build an accountability team for support. You will receive weekly teachings that will assist you at growing in your Christian walk.
The Rising from Ashes book, outlines this seven week process. If you have tried everything to quit smoking without success, and you are sick and tired of being shackled to a cigarette. Give God a chance by going through this process. Allow the healing power of Jesus Christ to make these healing changes in your life and body. It is truly amazing how quickly the human body begins to heal the damage done by smoking. The healing starts in just a few hours after you quit smoking.
In just seven weeks of commitment and hard work, you could be a non-smoker for life. Please give these biblical principles an opportunity to set you free from this deadly addiction. God desires all of his children to be free of anything that hinderers their walk with him. I want to end with a Scripture, 1 Corinthians 6:12, which is the foundational verse for this ministry, “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any.” The only power Jesus wants you controlled by is the power of the Holy Spirit. I hope you will give this process a chance, thus, becoming smoke free.
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