Jim Moreland is the father of two sons; he has five grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Jim has been a pastor at a small country church for ten years. He was recently recognized and recorded as a Minister of the Gospel by the Indiana Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Before becoming a pastor, Jim served as a biblical counselor and spent several years serving in a Christ-centered recovery ministry.
At the age of fifty-nine, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Indiana Wesleyan University. At the age of sixty-seven he earned a Master’s degree in transformational leadership—spiritual formation from Barclay College in Havilland Kansas.
After struggling with nicotine addiction for several years, and then finding freedom from that addiction–after becoming a Christian. In 2012, Jim started a ministry to help people find freedom from nicotine addiction through a relationship with Jesus Christ based on biblical principles from God’s Word.
His first book, Rising from Ashes, outlines the process of putting-off destructive habits and putting-on Chris-honoring habits. This book allows people to utilize the put-off/put-on process from Ephesians 4:22-24 to help them quit using nicotine products, or to put-off any destructive habit that is keeping them in chains. Jim just finished his latest book and it was released April, 2019. His second book is titled, From a Drunkard to a Pastor: Discovering Completeness in Christ .