We just completed the spring 2019 RFA workshop, and what an exciting workshop it was. We videotaped the sessions in hopes that we can make them available for viewing to those who are interested in going through the RFA process on their own or in a small group. There’s still a lot of work ahead to make the videos a reality.
With that first workshop, there was a family atmosphere established and the Lord’s presence was felt throughout the workshops as the group shared and grew closer. I think that closeness made for an exceptional effort to work hard. It is crucial as you go through the RFA process that you do all the work assignments. I have searched my memory and can’t remember a group of participants that were as committed and hard working as this group. The result is that at the end of the workshop we graduated two ladies that were smoke free: One at thirty days smoke free the other at ten days smoke free. I know the Lord is going to bless their hard work and strengthen them as they move forward in their fight against nicotine addiction. Christ can deliver you from nicotine addiction or any destructive habit. I believe this, because of what I have experience in my own life and observed in these workshops
For one of our participants this was her third workshop; she found freedom from smoking after her second workshop. She came this time to get encouragement and to encourage others. She asked to be one of the leaders for future workshops, and we will be happy to have her. I want to thank my fellow leaders who were so faithful during this workshop.
The plans are in the works to do another workshop in the fall. I will continue to keep you informed.